The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association is a nonprofit corporation whose purpose is to foster, promote, and improve the versatile hunting dog breeds in North America; to conserve game by using well trained reliable hunting dogs before and after the shot; and to aid in the prevention of cruelty to animals by discouraging nonselective and uncontrolled breeding, which produces unwanted and uncared for dogs.
Mark Dully
1850 West Elkton Rd
Hamilton, OH 45013
Cell: 513.519.0725
Vice President
Jeff Wamsley
Secretary /Treasure
Ryan Baumann
6743 Forrest Commons Blvd
Indianapolis, IN 46227
Cell: 317.714.0720
Test Secretary
Gabby Thornburg
(765) 744-5133
Central Indiana NAVHDA
Copyright © 2021 Central Indiana Navhda - All Rights Reserved.
This is an independent web site maintained by the Central Indiana chapter. The Central Indiana chapter does not and is not authorized to speak or act on behalf of the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association, Inc. The accuracy of any statements or information posted on or derived from use of this web site is not verified, and may not reasonably be relied upon.
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